

Friday, February 24, 2012

Aeona - First day of Sprint 2

Yesterday, after a week of hard work for our team, we finally submitted everything we needed for our Sprint 1 turn-in to our main producer John O'Leske.

We were all by his side when he went over the grading process. Apparently he really liked our demo build and the only bug he could find on it was that we weren't cleaning up the particles' data when exiting the game. So, if the user opened his save file on a second play section, more particles would be added to the effects that were already there. After playing the demo with the same save file around 10 times, the rain effect had became a really heavy storm and our torch was emitting way more than just a couple fire sparks.

After that, he went to take a look at our tools. I worked on the Tile/Map Editor during this sprint, and this was the first one he checked. We initially had a problem with saving and loading because avast was opening the software in the sandbox. The editor was really good but I wasn't using relative (safer) file paths when saving the tileset image file name to the XML document, which can cause issues when loading the map into the game in different computers. He also recommended me to add a paint bucket option to the editor. Those are all on my Sprint 2 backlog now.

The most funny bug was on my teammate Ari's Particle Editor. A specific blend mode from DirectX was causing a really weird issue on the computer John was using. Not only would the tool stop responding when that blend mode was selected, the computer screen would turn entirely gray for a couple seconds. Ari didn't loose so many points for that though. He spent the rest of the lab time trying to fix that issue, but I'm still not sure if he actually could find the problem.

The Animation Editor  from Mr. Schotanes was also working fine and in the end everybody got an A/A+ in the class. Now our team is planning and getting prepared for Sprint 2, in which we'll have two weeks to complete all the main game features. We also should have our first playable version done in one week. Yeah, it's going to be rough.

But we're prepared.

What about you?
Are you prepared for

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