

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Feb. 28

Oh no! I forgot all about the blog last night. Yesterday was my birthday, is that an excuse? =)

In class our team talked very in-depth about what is acceptable and unacceptable for a HUD and we finally came to a middle ground.  The HUD is such a crucial part of any game, so I think that's why we're all so worried about it.  The layout ultimately tries to have a balanced look that tells all the necessary information to the player in a non-confusing manner, while still not taking up a lot of the screen space.  I suppose this is the goal for the HUD on any game.

Anyway, we came to a good layout, so I worked on this computer (my desktop, at my apartment) on the elements in PhotoShop. Definitely nothing time-consuming art-wise, because I can't afford to waste time on art, but I can't draw AT ALL on my laptop touchpad, plus, I don't have PS on my laptop, and I really, really can't use GIMP worth a damn.

I think it will be satisfactory, but if not, thankfully this is a really easy thing to change. =]

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