Today was another fantastic day! I know its starting to sound a bit repetitive, but things are going very nicely and code is just pouring through my finger tips! Honestly, let's hope this momentum keeps stacking well into alpha.
I was able to finish up my Camera System and it works beautifully. You can smoothly track player movement, zoom in for a final deathblow animation, and even focus the screen while powering up your next strike! It all works seamlessly and requires little code from other classes to manipulate. Mostly everything is modular and has just about 3-4 calls in a GamePlayState. I am quite proud of this milestone as I know it will enhance the game play experience immensely! Now, I just need to ask Dan for assistance on adding everything into the final build and we are in business! This should be 10 hours of user stories scratched off!
My task is to speak with Lari from DirectX class. His office hours are tomorrow from, well- I don't know! Regardless, I am excited to meet with him and talk graphics! For the record, my next user story involves rendering point and ambient light throughout the world. This will be a massive uphill battle, but the payoff will be tremendous. I have never implemented a system like light into something so complicated before, and I can't wait to see it running in the final build. I hope I can make my team and myself proud.
Anyway, I'm off to sleep. Tomorrow is another big day......
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